Bronx Indigenous Futurisms

3rd Annual

Bringing Copper & Sunflowers

July 22-25 2020

Pregones/PRTT is proud to partner with Jane Gabriels and PEPATIÁN for the first digital edition of their annual Indigenous Women Artists Residency, a project co-directed with Caridad de La Luz.

This border-crossing gathering raises the visibility of self-identified Indigenous women artists by providing virtual space to share knowledge through conversation, creative workshops, informal showings, and opportunities to reflect, rejuvenate, and reconnect with the rivers and green spaces of The Bronx, and with its people.

Culminating in online performances and public dialogue, this third installment provides the artists with novel ways to build bridges and deepen connections for First Nation peoples from British Columbia, Canada’s westernmost province, to the Boogie Down, NYC’s greenest borough.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In June of last year, Caridad de La Luz, Jerome Hill Artist Fellow in Theater and Performance, visited Vancouver to participate in Olivia C. Davies’ Matriarchs Uprising Festival. The digital residency at Pregones evolved from this prior meeting and a research trip to Haida Gwaii.

Live Online Event

The highlight event on Saturday, July 25, 2020, features an international and inter-nation gathering of performing artists from across Turtle Island (North America) offering recent performance works and conversation. Presentation features in-development reading of Caridad de La Luz’s 

From Poor to Rico.

Pepatián and Pregones/PRTT gratefully acknowledge our privilege to be able to work and create on the traditional and ancestral land of the Weckquasgeek and the Siwanoy Nations.

Virtual residency@El Garaje:

Global Indigenous Conversations on Siwanoy lands

Hosted by Caridad De La Luz (Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship, 2019-21) with Guest Artists: Roberto Múkaro Borrero and Joselyn Kaxhyek Borrero

Filmed and edited by Caridad De La Luz/La Bruja Featuring: Cynthia Paniagua (Dancer, Choreographer, Healer), Rodrick Bell (Bronx River Alliance), Julio Figueroa (Drew Gardens). Produced by Pepatian for online conversation in collaboration with Pregones/PRTT Theater, May 2020